Meeting Information
Celebrating  another Scholarship recipient's success as Amara Ogren pursues her nursing career. 
Our club fund raising activities support Career and Technical Adult Education for Fountain Hills High School graduates and/or Fountain Hills Residents.
Welcome Guests, Visiting Rotarians, Future Rotarians
1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 4:00 p:m.
American Legion Post 58
Fountain Hills , AZ  85268
       September 17     Steve Gilbert -  Medicare 101    
             October 1      Michelle Holcomb - District Govenor
           October 15      JT Skewes - Local Author
       Info: Michelle Holtzman,, (mobile) 248-302-3993.
Career and Technical Adult Education Scholarships to $2500 Available Now
The Rotary Club of Fountain Hills Foundation focuses on helping adult residents, workers, and Fountain Hills High School Graduates get into skilled services and technical trades.  
Do Good, Feel Good News
The club assembled recently to celebrate 45 years of service to our community and the international community.  Ken Ulrickson, one of the club's founding members entertained the club and guests with stories of service projects, fund raising events and social activities.  Our thanks to our current members, previous members, contributors and the community for a wonderful 45 years and more to come!
The Fountain Hills Rotary Club once again organized the Purple People Volunteers for the Fall Festival.   Many of the booth participants are solo.  Getting a break for life's necessities or to get a snack can be a problem.  This year's  thirty volunteers, called the Purple People, "booth sit"  enabling brief breaks.  The name "Purple People" comes from the purple sashes the volunteers wear.  The club uses this activity to not only provide a service but as a fund raiser.  The festival organizer, the Fountain HIlls Chamber of commerce, compensates the club for this support.
Club Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
Contact Us
Michelle Holtzman
Gerry Addington
Mailing Address
PO Box 18188
Fountain HIlls, As 85269